Josiah Spode founded his Spode pottery around 17at Stroke-on-Trent in Staffordshire. Even before Spode arrive this area was well known. Creamware Devonia shape dish in Pattern number 1c.
An early heart-shaped in dish in Bone China decorated with Pattern number 319 . A few of the thousands of discarded shards found buried all over the historic Spode site. These date from Josiah II's time, but others of earlier date have been . The Spode Museum Trust was established in 198 in order to protect the Spode Archive in perpetuity. Stone China teapot in pattern 206 c181 sometimes known as the “Cabbage” pattern and also “Tobacco Leaf” pattern.
If you cannot find the Spode pattern you are looking for, want more detail, or would like to talk to a member of our Sales Team, please call us or use our Search . Using the Spode archive and published books you can learn about different backstamps (marks) on Spode pieces.
Spode - Largest selection of patterns at Replacements Page 1. Spode, Dressing Beautiful Homes and Tables Since 1779. Spode - 200th Anniversary Blue Italian Entertaining Set. Spode - Blue Italian Bread Butter Plate. Spode - Blue Italian Cake Slice Fork Set.
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